If your boiled peanuts are too salty, simmer them in fresh water to mitigate the problem.
Fresh water will draw some of the salt out of the boiled peanuts. The more water you use, and the longer they simmer, the more salt you can remove.
Many online recipes recommend using too much salt for boiling peanuts. We suggest boiling peanuts without salt until they are nearing the texture that you prefer. About 6 to 8 tablespoons of salt per gallon of water is a good starting point for boiled peanuts. Boiled peanuts cannot absorb the brine until they soften, and the water permeates the shell.
Remember that some water boils away as you cook the peanuts, but the salt stays in the pot. Thus the brine will become more concentrated over boiling time. Add fresh water as you cook to replace the lost water to maintain the initial saline concentration.
Oct 20, 2014
Boiled Peanuts Too Salty by: Anonymous
As with most things, if you find them too salty, you can peel a potato, cut in half or at least large chunks and drop in pot for a half hour or so. The potato is a natural sponge. I have done this with peanuts and chili and it is proven.